Stabilisation & Scour Protection
MMA’s stabilisation systems are designed to provide the most efficient form of stabilisation for subsea power and umbilical cables in both the offshore wind and oil and gas industries.
We have an extensive range of solutions including rock bolting, articulating concrete mattresses backed by geotextiles, precast concrete clump weights, high-performance armouring of buried pipelines, prefilled grout bags, custom-designed set-in-situ grout bags and grout skirts. Our stabilisation solutions combined with our artificial reef products provide the ideal combination of cable stabilisation and artificial reef habitat enhancement.
Our team of subsea engineers have a significant record of successful scour mitigation projects, with our range of engineered solutions to prevent scour well-tested and proven. Our engineers draw on these case studies to optimise a solution for every application, considering design life, budget, soil type and marine spread capacities.