Government & Defence

Well-regarded for our operational excellence in delivering services to government and defence agencies, MMA is a trusted partner in meeting the unique requirements of these critical sectors.

MMA is a member of the Australian Government’s Department of Defence HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (“HIPP”) and delivers hydrographic survey, vessel management, crewing and technical training services to defence and government organisations on an ongoing basis.

Utilising our extensive in-house technical expertise, MMA has the capability to effectively support defence and government programs.

Vessel Services

MMA owns and operates a fleet of 18 high-specification offshore vessels capable of supporting a range of government and defence applications.

As an Australian company with a strong track record of marine operations offshore Australia, as well as a large pool of Australian seafarers, MMA is in a strong position to support government and defence scopes in Australia in particular. Our fleet of vessels capable of supporting government and defence scopes includes:

  • PSVs, for the transportation of equipment and cargo
  • MPSVs, for salvage operations, inspection and maintenance work or light construction support
  • Workboats, for accommodation and personnel transfer in remote areas
  • AHT and AHTS vessels, for towage of assets, personnel transportation and moderate cargo transportation


Mr Mike Merrutia
Chartering Manager - Australasia
+61 8 9431 7431

Mr Sean Connelly
General Manager
Commercial Vessel Services
+61 8 9431 7431

Vessel Management & Technical Services

Leaning on our extensive experience successfully managing our own fleet of vessels, MMA is also able to provide operational and technical vessel management services to government and defence organisations.

This includes operational management (including scheduling and day-to-day running of the vessel) and technical management (planned and unplanned maintenance). In addition, we are also able to provide crewing and training services, thanks to our large pool of Australian seafarers, and our comprehensive crew management and training systems. Our services include:

  • Vessel operational management
  • Vessel technical management (repair and maintenance)
  • Crewing
  • Training


Mr Mike Merrutia
Chartering Manager - Australasia
+61 8 9431 7431

Mr Sean Connelly
General Manager
Commercial Vessel Services
+61 8 9431 7431


As a panel member on the HydroScheme Industry Partnership Program (HIPP), MMA is a trusted partner of the Australian Government’s Department of Defence.

MMA provides critical hydrographic survey services to the HIPP as part of an extensive program to obtain high-quality bathymetric coverage of Australia’s Exclusive Economic Zone by 2050. These include:

  • Geophysical surveys
  • Geotechnical surveys
  • Bathymetric surveys
  • Site investigation surveys
  • Positioning services
  • ROVs
  • AUVs
  • Commercial diving


Mr Russell Burder
Business Development & Commercial Manager - Geosolutions
+61 8 9431 7431

Mr Matt Everett
Project Surveyor - Commercial
+61 8 9431 7431