Scheme of Arrangement

MMA Offshore Limited (“MMA") has entered into a binding Scheme Implementation Deed (“SID”) with Cyan MMA Holdings Pty Limited ACN 675 840 196 (“Cyan”) for Cyan's proposed acquisition of 100% of the shares in MMA via a scheme of arrangement between MMA and its shareholders (“Scheme”).

Scheme Information

Access to Scheme Implementation Deed Access to Scheme Booklet

Access to Supplementary Scheme Booklet

Revised Important Dates and Time for the Scheme

The revised indicative timetable for the Scheme is detailed below (omitting events which have already occurred):

Event Time and Date
Latest time and date for direct voting, lodgement of completed Proxy Forms or powers of attorney for the Scheme Meeting 9:00 am (AWST) on Saturday, 6 July 2024
Time and date for determining eligibility of Shareholders to vote at the Scheme Meeting 9:00 am (AWST) on Saturday, 6 July 2024
Scheme Meeting 9:00 am (AWST) on Monday, 8 July 2024
If the Scheme is approved by Shareholders
Court hearing to approve the Scheme (Second Court Date) 2:15 pm (AWST) on Wednesday, 10 July 2024
Effective Date
Court order lodged with ASIC and announcement to ASX
Last day of trading of MMA Shares on ASX
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Record Date
For determining entitlements to the Increased Scheme Consideration
5:00 pm (AWST) on Thursday, 18 July 2024
Implementation Date
Payment of the Increased Scheme Consideration to Scheme Participants
Thursday, 25 July 2024

All stated dates and times in the above timetable are references to the date and time in Perth, Western Australia and all such dates and times are indicative only and subject to change. The actual timetable will depend on many factors outside the control of MMA, including the Court approval process and the satisfaction or waiver (where applicable) of the conditions of the Scheme. For example, the date of the Scheme Meeting may be postponed or adjourned, including if satisfaction of a condition (including the FIRB Condition Precedent) is delayed, pursuant to the terms of the Scheme Implementation Deed (as amended by the Deed of Variation). Certain times and dates are conditional on the approval of the Scheme by Shareholders and the Court. Any changes to the above timetable will be announced by MMA to ASX.


Please refer to pages 19-27 of the Scheme Booklet.